Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Vigilance Awareness Week (27th October to 2nd November 2020)


Vigilance Awareness Week (27th October to 2nd November 2020)
The Commission observes the Vigilance Awareness Week to emphasize the importance of integrity in public life. We are fully committed to implement the policy of Zero Tolerance against corruption.

सतर्क भारतसमृध्द भारत – Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous India) has been chosen as the theme this year. Development and progress of the nation takes place when individuals and organizations are vigilant in safeguarding integrity as a core value.

The commission believes that citizens and organizations must look inwards at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented crisis.  All organizations may focus on improvement of internal processes and activities during this year. Systemic improvements may be carried out to improve the delivery of public services in all organizations. Training and capacity building of staff is an important component supporting this objective.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Narsinghpur is also observing Vigilance Awareness Week 2020.
You may participate in the following activity on this occasion :

Take pledge on Vigilance Awareness Week:   Click here to take pledge  


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